Giovanni Colavizza

Giovanni Colavizza

Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Bologna

I am an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Bologna.

I am also the CTO and a co-founder at Odoma.

My primary focus is on Machine Learning applications in the Arts and Humanities. I am also interested in using data to study cultural and social phenomena, including the human past, the arts market, open science, and Wikipedia.

Recent news

Last update: February 2024.



Data-driven humanities research

Using quantitative methods in humanities research.

Information extraction from historical collections

Developing machine learning applications for the automatic extraction of information from historical collections.

Mapping Arts and Humanities research

This project focuses on understanding how knowledge develops and is exchanged in the Arts and Humanities.

Science beyond academia, Wikipedia and more

Wikipedia is the largest encyclopedia to date. What sources is it based on? How is it used by the public? How can it be improved?

Studying the impact of data noise in historical collections

Assessing how noise in digiized historical collections and information extracted from them can impact downstream tasks and applications.


Academic year 2023 2024

My teaching during the academic year 2023 2024.

Student project ideas (arts, humanities and social sciences)

A list of project ideas for students in the arts, humanities and social sciences.

Student project ideas (computer science)

A list of project ideas for students in the sciences, including computer science, data science, machine learning, etc.


I am the CTO and co-founder at Odoma, an agency supporting the full lifecycle of Data + AI + UX projects in the cultural and creative sectors.

We are specialized in data collection, quality assessment and documentation, in the design and development of customized AI solutions and digital interfaces.

We also provide expert consulting and training on topics related to data quality and documentation, AI workflows in cultural organisations and creative industries, digitisation of cultural heritage collections. If interested, please get in touch at